Monday 21 September 2009

Ironbridge and the Wreakin, Shropshire

For once we decided to walk closer to home!! This time we all met at Ironbridge down in the gorge. Although we still managed to get confused with the car parks oops!! Helen P and myself were joined by Antony, Rachel (first timer), Helen E, Marta and Jon.

After donning on the boots we walked over the bridge (famous one :) where we encountered the local rotary club trying to make a 10p chain across the bridge! I helped them with a couple of centimetres and then sunk the rest my spare change into a lovely pie from the shop.


It was quite a pleasant day not particularly sunny but not gray and cloudy either. We began by following the Severn Way and strolled past the heritage museums. I still think its bizarre that the English put a power station right by a world heritage site! Trying to not be overshadowed by the cooling towers and ignoring the hum from the wires and generators. I looked back at the idyllic scene. We even managed to go off road.. and get lost in a load of stingers! Not the best..

We walked by the river and passing an amusing sign we passed through the small village of Buildwas.3987302963_206b50499b We then cut north across the fields avoiding a few cow pats! After checking the map for the path we were made tracks to catch up with the Shropshire Way. Heading west with the Wreakin in grasp we arrived at the south western edge!! and the climb began!!

I was actually surprised how steep it was as we walked up through the woodland. We came to the top of a little hill – and as it says on the map it’s the Little Hill! With sun out now as well.. it felt like the middle of summer!!

Stopping for some lunch, I remarked that this wasn’t the top and there was more of the hill around the corner!! Continuing up through 3987334241_6087e1abebthe woods we went past the Needles Eye.. up onto the rocks with quite an impressive view of the Shropshire countryside. It was  a little bit hazy but you could still pick out the Malverns in one direction.

We then went on to walk down from the Wreakin through Heaven and Hell gates and we then stopped at the Wreakin cottage for a well deserved cup of tea :) and a couple of ice creams. After mid-afternoon refreshments, we continued on through the wooded area/fields and up onto a minor road that took us to Little Wenlock.

A short hop down Coalbrookedale road, I mastered the art of making a stupidly loud noise 3988099958_13771f7c40with some grass and my hands. Feeling very proud of that achievement we went over  the dual carriageway and down on to the Rope walk towards the heritage museums. Passing the old Victorian Ironworks we made our way through the village back over the bridge and back to the cars.


Start and finish location: Car park by the Pub in Ironbridge (SJ6750 0350)
Distance: 20km
Altitude Gain: 604m
Time: 7hr (including stops) 
Walk: River and Woodland Walk.
Group Size: 7

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