Sunday 25 October 2009

Cleeve Hill, Cotswolds

Off to the Cotswolds we go! Although my navigation to get to the start point was much to be desired.. First of all I went straight past the turn off, then I drove all the way up to the Golf Club only to turn back out again. Luckily Rowena, Jon (first timer) and Mikey (first timer) found their way okay and I waited at the start of the road to flag down Antony who was on his own and Jon, Marta, Paul and Helen who were in another car.IMG_5512

After trying to drive straight up the bridleway, I realised my error and turned left into the disused quarry which had been converted into a car park. Now with the whole group together we began the walk from the coordinates (SO98915  27512). We walked through the golf course which was a little odd in itself. Dodging any misplaced golf balls we walked over a cross dyke, just a bit west of the summit of Cleeve Hill (317m). A set of radio/TV masts dominated the skyline as we walked across Cleeve Common. It was quite a gray day really. Not looking like it was going to rain but equally the sun was on holiday as well. IMG_5528As we walked across the Common we saw quite a few people kite flying and what can only I guess be described as grass skiing by kite. Very interesting contraption this gent was driving!! As we got to the masts at SO 99415 24817 we followed the fence wall, across another minor top (330m) towards the car park at West Down.

We had a break whilst various members of the walking group ran off into the bushes, one at a time. No scandal here. We then marched IMG_5530 on down the road towards the village of Brockhampton, where we found a pub for some lunch. Finding an empty beer garden, we had a rest and a beer. The sun made an appearance which was pretty good timing!

After lunch we walked passed Brockhampton Park – very nice house in the country and wandered up the road past Cotehay Farm towards Charlton Abbots. At the crossroads we turned left up towards Westwood House, through a lovely little wooded valley. We heard some strange noises in the woods!! Maybe some deer or birds not sure. We climbed out of the valley and up a long reaching field to a disused barn before joining the Cotswold Way.

We cut back across the Common, the guy in what appeared another contraption still hurtling along pulled by the wind!! We headed north west to the top of Cleeve Hill (317m), IMG_5538 where we sat to admire the view. After negotiating the golf course we made it back to the car with lovely views back across towards Cheltenham and the Black mountains far in the distance.


Attendees: 10
Start and End Point: SO98915  27512
Total Distance: 17.2km
Total Ascent: 205m 
Time: 5hr

Sunday 4 October 2009

Melbreak and Grasmoor, Lake District

Not many takers for this one. But considering the time of year, Summer long gone and a weekend of rain and windy weather in Lakeland it was no surprise. Nevertheless Paul, Helen E and I travelled up to the Lake District late after work on the 2nd October. We headed towards Loweswater which is a few miles south of Cockermouth to some budget hostel accommodation, or as it turned out old Swallow Barn (Map Ref NY115 227). Can’t really complain it was only £7 for the night. IMG_5381

As we got there at the dead of night, we didn’t really see the surroundings very well. The owner told us where things were and left us to ourselves. We had a beer and called it a night..

The weather was a tad shocking in the early morning. I was quite glad there were no leaks in the barn. To be honest it was very basic (reminded me of some places I stayed when I was in SE Asia) but it did the job. We rustled up some breakfast and took our time. The rain died down thankfully IMG_5382 so we donned on the boots and started walking. Helen expressing little desire for any exposed ridge walking as it was too windy – more on that later.

We started walking southwards across a few fields and passed a farm and then entered a wood on the south shoreline of Loweswater. The ground was a little soggy but at least the sun had broken through now. The lake visible through gaps in the trees.

Exiting Holme Wood we crossed some fields where we spotted a few birds of prey flying above as we walked along the drive to the farm, dodging the speedy post van! After a mileIMG_5409 or so we got to the village of Loweswater and our closest pub, slightly further than one would want for a local! It looked quite nice so we decided we might stroll back in later.

We headed out towards the Brackenthwaite Hows and on through the Lanthwaite Woods. Then from nowhere a red squirrel dashed in front of us onto some cut logs by the path. Trying to get the camera, I could only get blurred shots!! Then after no time at all the squirrel was up in the trees and out of view!! IMG_5420 Moving on, we arrived at the top of Crummock Water, where the was a well placed bench in a parting of the trees, so we decided to have some lunch. The views across the water were lovely, with the high hill of Grasmoor dominating the left side and Melbreak on the right. Both wanting to be climbed! The weather was behaving itself now, although still a little bit blustery we walked around the top of the water past the pump house and up through some fields up into Green/Flas Wood (NY 146 201). Still debating whether or not to climb up a hill we decided to go for it, we walked around the north side of Melbreak. IMG_5432

It was quite an exposed route up (oops), past Raven and White Crag. At some points extremely windy but there were clear views back over Loweswater and beyond. I strolled ahead and waited at the top by the cairn of stones (509m). Helen, Paul and I trying to stay up, without being blown over by the wind!! Time passing we knew that the sunlight hours were falling away so we descended quickly down into Mosedale (Moseley in the IMG_5452Lakes???). A lonely clump of trees in the middle of the valley caught my eye, as the shadows started to get long. We then went full cycle and headed northwards past an Earthworks and back to the pub at Loweswater. After a pint or two and some food we walked back  along the main road, in complete darkness, a good place for ghost and horror stories!! After a few miles we got back to the hotel! ala barn and rustled up a few bottles IMG_5462and called it a day.

Woke up, the sound of wind gone, and the sun was out. Excellent. Now I needed to persuade my companions to climb up a large hill before we head off home. After some breakfast, we packed up and decided to head over towards Grasmoor. We began the walk at the car park at Lanthwaite Green Farm, crossed the road and headed towards Gasdale Gill. There were quite a few people out walking today but they walked off towards Whin-Ben which was towering over us on the left. We walked along the beck, scrambling at points. The stream was throwing water down so at some points it was a little tricky.

The path easing out and the full stretch of the Gill came into view. Negotiating some waterfalls the walk climbed up towards the col, IMG_5478 called Coledale Hause. At this point you could see all the way down to Braithwate and Keswick, with the large hills of Skiddaw behind. At this point Paul and Helen wanted to make tracks back, so I decided to carry on and join them back to the car, so our stories diverge at this point. Determined to get to the top, I headed southwards with Crag Hill towering to my left, I cut up a steep slope up to to Grasmoor. The actual summit was a bit further on than what I thought! At a height of 852m the hillIMG_5497 gives a great panoramic view of the western lake district. I managed to pick out Great Gable and Pillar in the distance!! Also hanging in the air were a couple of Para gliders. They must have had an awesome view. Conscious of the time I began my descent down Lad Howes. This ridge swept down towards Crummuck Water below. 

Watching one of the Para gliders crash into some bracken – that IMG_5503 must have hurt – and then take off again.. the path opened up onto the road which I followed back for a mile or so back up to the car park. Glad to see Paul and Helen waiting we began the long journey back home.


Loweswater and Melbreak
Total Ascent: 580m
Total Distance: 15.5 Km
Start and End: NY115 227
Time: 6 hours.

Grasmoor and Gasdale Gil
Total Ascent: 776m
Total Distance: 9.95km
Start and End: NY159 207
Time: 4-5 hours