Sunday 13 April 2008

Broadway, Worcestershire

Days of spring fleeting past, although to be honest some weekends recently you would not believe it was actually Spring at all. Sunday 6th April had a rather wintry theme to it! The day also was glastonbury ticket purchase day although in the end only a few people decided to get tickets. The end result was we started the walk a little later than normal.

We all met up at the right time, a first :) at Broadway Tower. Although some of us didn't recognise each other - maybe the sun was a little bright or something. We sat at the little pub/cafe attached to the car park whilst a few members decided to get some energy for the walk.

We headed on towards the tower. Helen E was showing off her new camera :) The tower is a pretty little folly which can be seen from quite some distance. Although I suspect it costs about £5 to go in and have a look. But it looked interesting enough from the outside. The views from the tower were quite impressive, you could see way out west towards the Malverns and up to the north you could see the Clent Hills.

We connected up to the Cotswolds way here and descended down towards the village of Broadway. We seemed to get stuck in a traffic jam. A local ramblers group were out! We took a few diversions down the hill to look at some peculiar shaped tree stumps and finally hit the main road into the village.

Broadway is an extremely pretty little place. All the buildings are made out of a very rich sandstone. A couple of pleasent looking pubs, craft shops, at which point we lost Helen P, and a rather pretty village green. In which a rather impressive looking snowman was fighting off the rising temperatures.

We headed out south west from the village, moving quite some distance away from where we started, although the folly was very clear to see from here. We began climbing up the hill to which point just before we entered a copse the ground turned into a mud bath. No match for my wellington boots, some of us nearly had a close acquaintance with the ground.

Through the woods, we turned south and came out into a field, which boarded on the left side there was an array of trees with beautiful blossom on them. We headed on south towards and farm, and then cut east along an extremely muddy path. My wellingtons almost found their match here! It was also quite pungant!

Following a rather zig-zagged path across and around a field, we came upon a quite pointless stile which gave us some amusement before we reached a little road. Keeping in the theme, the road heads south to a place called Snows Hill which is quite a contrast to the god awful building in Birmingham. Anyway at this point Edd saw his old car. Quite baffling are the odds that you'd find you old car in the middle of nowhere drive past you!!

Another muddy climb we turned east and up through a wooded area, a few of us taking a diversion through the woods, we got to the top where we had a rest on a fence, where it appears horses use as jump. Helen P not believing I knew where I was, we continued up and around past some newly converted farm buildings back up towards the broadway car park. To which point Edd shared some cookies with us all as a reward, and we said our goodbyes.


Highest point was where we started and finished: 307m Broadway Tower
Total distance was about: 9km
Took us about: 3 hours
Award for most photographs taken goes to Helen Eden.
People who attended: Adam, Helen P, Helen E, Martha, John and Edd