Sunday 9 March 2008

Return to the Snowdonia Mountain Hut

It all began when Chris uttered the words - anyone for the mountain hut again. Here we are a year on and a few walks down the line, some of the regulars and a few first timers congregated at the Imperial College mountain hut for the weekend.

First to arrive where Rich 'chatterbox' Kendrick and his mate Scotter - or steve (first timer). Later Chris was picked up from the station. Reports were coming in of another new member, Gillian, who nearly knocked the original three down as she went down the rollercoaster road which takes you down the Drys-y-coed valley. The four settled in and started spinning a few tales and began sinking a few beers.

The second group had by this point not left! All together convoy was established and began the two odd hour journey to north wales. The car journey was quite eventful with the weather going a bit crazy! It was very windy not the best of starts one might thing, with various and progressively larger bits of tree littering the road!

Anyway a few songs and a bit of chitter chatter.. and the odd signal to make sure the convey was still in operation helped ease the journey :) The two cars (ant, helen p and I in one and Helen E and Paul in the other) finally made our destination around 11pm. Which by this time was good because the hut was nice and warm! I suspect Paul by this time was thinking where the hell is that hippy taking me this time!! With all the baggage moved into the hut and everyone introduced to each other, a few more beers were sunk and the past fables of the hut were dicussed - such as those associated with the infamous railway society and a certain persons antics from the year before :) All turning in around 2am - to get some sleep for a stroll the next morning.

A remarkably good sleep, considering the howling wind! I woke reasonably early - noting the weather wasn't the best we decided to postpone any big climb anywhere to the Sunday. I using my mobile internet for useful purposes to check the mountain weather forecast, unlike some who were checking to see if they got any nudges from hot birds on facebook.. - found out the weather was supposed to worsen later in the afternoon - so we'd better get out walking soon. Promptly serving several bacon and egg sarnies and a few cups of tea, the boots where donned and we began the saturday walk.

The walk began by going back up the road towards Clogwynygarreg, a curious rocky outcrop at the top of the Drws-y-coed valley. The valley is stunning even on a hazy or cloudy day, with the sides of the glaciated valley rising dramatically from the road. Although I did see the odd nutter sheep attempting some gravity defying stunts! After passing some dogs in the farm, and completely missing the path which follows around the base of Y Garn our target for the day we made our way down passed LLwyn-y-Dywarchen (Reservoir) on the left towards the Llyn-y-Gader, a lake down in he Gwyrfal valley.

Here came decision point numero uno! Take a left and head for the pub in Rhyd-Ddu or take a right and head along the bridleway to the base of Y Garn. Thinking there might be some deserters at this point, we all turned right and headed for the hill, which began to rise quite quickly in front of us. No simple challenge this hill. Not particularly that high at 633m - it was a steep climb for walkers from 185m upwards - so about 450m climb in about a mile. Looking back we could see beautiful views of Snowdon, could see the building site at the top where the new cafe is going to be. We could also see the mass of grey gloomy mist descending rather quickly around its peak. I had read that the cloud level was at around 700m today so we should be okay.

People decided to take the mountain at their own speed, with some unsuccessfully trying to find short cuts :) We managed to clamber to the top, to which point there was a stile over a nice rocky wall to traverse. Waiting at the top was stunning views of the valley where the hut was, and outward beyond towards the irish sea. Even on the semi misty day that this day was, the view was spectacular.

Congregating in the cairn most of us sitting down without too much trouble, we had some lunch, and a few of us were contemplating whether or not to tackle the ridge. Shortly after lunch we split into two groups, myself and Rich in one and the others went on their way with the pub firmly honed in on their radars :)

Reports from the other group, said that Chris was trying to video steve falling on his backside, without much success.. lol. shame he wasn't with myself and Rich, he would have got great footage of his brother! Anyway the group minus rich and I made their way slowly knowing they had conquered their hill towards the pub - which for some reason the name has alluded me! for a warm fire, a couple of pints and some grub :)

Rich and I decided to tackle the ridge and headed due south from Y Garn, with the wind becoming more impressive as with the views as we went. The climb upto Mynydd Drws-y-coed was a relative easy scramble, although it didn't look like that at first. We passed want seemed to be an endless walking group - must have been a good fifteen people we got to the top of this peak (695m) within half n hour leaving the group. The views here were equally stunning as at Y Garn. With the drops down into the valley before, filling us with awe, and maybe a bit of focus - so that a foot wasn't put wrong!

The wind blowing quite a gale now, and with the cloud rapidly descending we made route around to Trum Y Ddysgi (709m). We cut up the south eastern slope and double backed along the ridge. As we were walking back the Obelisk on th next peak Mynydd Tal-y-mignedd was rapidly being obscured with mist. Almost to the point where we walked down the wrong side of the ridge!! Thankfully the mist disappeared and we regained our bearings. There was this one tricky bit to which from afar looked simple but when you got there was a bit of a scramble!!

Making it the obelisk, we had some food, Rich deciding he was done, we sent a few messages out to the other group to tell them we were going back to the hut first. We began the descent down into the Drws-y-coed valley by following the ricketedly looking fence. There was evidence of some stiles either being dismantled or put up as we went down. Careful not to fall on my arse and make a tit of myself, we managed to get down the slope easy enough. However in true style, rich decided he wanted to go for a swim and fell in a stream.

Then passing through another farm, we made it back to the hut and then on to the pub where we caught up with everyone else who were on the second or third pint!! After having some food, everyone was taxied back to the hut where we started playing cranium which brought out the competitive streak in some of us. After a close fought battle, I think my team won :) We moved onto the drinking games!! and the hours began to while away into the night.

On the promise that if people didn't get up early I would molest them, along with some other early rises, I rustled up some sausages and bacon to wake the hungover stragallers! The Snowdon journey this time was postponed, considering it sat in a load of mist all day this wasn't the end of the world :) Again the group broke into two, those who wanted a more gentle walk around the reservoirs and lakes, and the other who wanted to bag another peak. All of us passed the farm as we walked up the road towards the top of the valley. The dogs greeting us again, but decidedly more friendly this time, they escorted us through their property.

The group split at this point, the peak baggers beginning a steeper ascent than the lake dwellers. Lots of frog spawn was noticed on the way, although considering how small the pools of water which held them, I don't suspect they will last :(. As we got closer to the top of the valley, Helen E and Paul had second thoughts and mosied on back towards the other group. To which at this point someone else will have to tell that tale!

Helen P and I decided to continue on towards Mynydd Mawr (698m). A steep climb up from the top of the valley we made good time towards the Craig Y Bera ridge, where we had a spot of lunch sitting on the cliffs. Lots of Ravens fleeted passed, whilst I tried to get a photo of without much luck. A couple of climbers were looking around as well.

We reached the top of the hill, which had good views of all the western approaches of the Snowdon Massif to the west, and the sea and Anglesey to the north. The ridge I walked the day before was being silhouted by the sun, which made some of the cliffs stand out quite strikingley. After a short time at the top we made our route back down the hill and then down into the valley, where we went slightly wrong off the path - nevermind, saying hello to the friendly dogs - we made it back to the hut where all the party bar one were waiting, the other had to began a much longer journey home :). We said our goodbyes and packed our cars and began the drive home.

Just like to note, thanks to everyone who came along, it was nice to catch up with the regulars, and good to meet a few new faces. Thanks especially to Chris for organising the hut.


Award for best breakfast maker: Adam
Award for Stream Surfing: Rich
Award for wearing too many outdoors clothes: Helen E
Award for unable to sit on a rock: Helen P
Award for courageous driving: Paul M
Award for doing a bloody good job walking up a big hill and driving all that way: Gillian.
Award for dedicated services to whiskey drinking: Antony
Award for having every item ever required in an emergency in his car: Scotter
Award for staying up past his bedtime: Chris

Okay thanks for reading. Hopefully see you next time.